Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Portfolio 7 on part (c) choice!

The values and beliefs I hold strongly to in this life journey.

I believe that to accomplish any goal in life, we need perseverance and enthusiasm. Every step that I take, it is not about how fast I get there but it is the journey that I hold high in regard. It encompasses our climb to the top. From my experience in facilitating students in their studies as a private tutor over the past years, I have learnt that visions are powerful mental images of what we want to create in the future. Every dream that we have as an individual translates to the direction that we are heading and though for some it is constantly an uphill battle, yet it is not impossible. The students I taught reflected to me what hardwork and passion is all about. The tension we often feel from comparing our ideal mental image of our desired future and expectation of ourselves is usually what that fuels a vision. Just keep pushing on and just keep trying makes a wholesome ideal in striving for success. These boys whom I taught might not know Mathematics formulas at their fingertips but their perseverance to gain knowledge and keep on trying reveal to me that mistakes and failures are a symbol of life in itself. This is essentially how we learn. It has been an inspirational and enriching experience being taught and teach simultaneously.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Grammar Mistakes

EG1471module has been an eye-opener as I had not come across specific English writing rules throughout my primary and secondary school education. I had always known that I had problems in my grammar. Mistakes that I have made throughout this course taught me to continuously check my work and I learnt that English is not as simple as we think.

For instance, one of the common mistakes I often make is the misuse of article. In my previous understanding, all the words in singular form except for specific objects or names should be used with an article “the” before it, for example, the tree, the person, the resource, the sun and so on. My perspective of article is that there are redundant to be discussed as it has always been taught to be ingrained. Neither did I know that “the” and “an” are known as articles! Articles are commonly used with common nouns or noun phrases. It consist of the nonspecific articles which are (a or an); and the specific article (the). It is absent in nonspecific cases and are indicated by empty or zero article.

A mistake:
“The USA is currently undergoing a recession.”

“USA is currently undergoing a recession.”

Explanation: Categories of proper nouns which do not require “the” are people’s name, cities, countries, states, days and etc. Proper nouns which requires “the” are buildings, places and etc.

In addition, I am until now unable to identify the correct usage of pronoun and correcting it at first glance. For instance, “The country does allow they to smoke.” The mistake here is “they”.

Correction made:

Lastly, Subject verb agreement (SVA) is another mistake that I would like to touch on. SVA is usually divided into basics, singular verbs and agreement.

The company use its resources efficiently.

Correction made:
The company uses its resources efficiently.